Net-Zero Carbon, the Environment and Junckers Floors

The Role of the Contractor in Net-Zero Carbon Buildings

Junckers products have excellent environmental credentials and the purpose of this bulletin is to highlight the accreditations that we have for our products, and to summarise the information that is available to you when Junckers floors are being specified.

Low or Net-Zero carbon building design is here to stay and whatever your involvement in the design and supply process you can help your business by being up to speed with this fast developing area of the construction industry.

A major crisis such as COVID-19 might divert attention from environmental matters, but we think the opposite is happening because the virus is resulting in closer scrutiny of our relationship with the natural environment.

Originally the preserve of clients and their designers, environmental building design now includes the whole supply chain; contractors play a vital role in the design process and need to have sources of environmental information to help them win the work.

The Drivers for Change

There are several main reasons why we are heading this way…..

  • Client Demands
  • RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge, “Architects Declare” and other similar schemes
  • Government Environmental Targets
  • Public pressure, campaign groups, and from media reporting

This will lead to tighter rules about what materials can be brought on to site, more requests for product certification and restrictions on pollution and waste disposal. We receive more questions in increasing levels of detail about what is ultimately being delivered to the client.

How Junckers Proves its Environmental Credentials


  • Junckers floors have low embodied carbon, are environmentally sound, represent no landfill burden, are fully recyclable, safe to dispose of, and no carbon offsetting is needed.
  • EPD - Environmental Product Declaration. Scientific report that shows the embodied carbon levels in Junckers floors.
  • BRE Green Guide Junckers floors are A+ rated.
  • Danish Indoor Climate Certificate - this measures the emissions of various VOCs including formaldehyde and shows that Junckers floors are very beneficial to the indoor environment.
  • FSC® and PEFC™ Certificates- proves the timber we use is from legal and sustainable sources.
  • ISO 140001 Independent accreditation for the company’s environmental management systems
  • CDPH Certificate. Californian Department of Public Health Assessment of VOC emissions from the floor. Widespread recognition beyond the US and plays a key part in BREEAM and WELL assessments.
  • CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility scheme to show Junckers is a responsible member of the business and social community. As an element of this Junckers has signed up to the UN Global Compact.

We are happy to provide copies of relevant documents and certificates and to talk about any project specific environmental and product issues that you need to discuss.


