E 4.4


E 4.4



E 4.0 General Information
Underfloor heating
E 4.4 Underfloor heating
Sports floors

Table 1


These guidelines concern Junckers sports floor systems installed over underfloor heating.

Always consult the supplier of the underfloor heating system for correct specification and use.

Please note that full documentation of a sports floor system with a built-in underfloor heating system comprises information in E 4.0, E 4.4, see table 1. It is also recommeded to read about the individual sports floor systems in chapter D.


Battens and other wooden based materials included in substructures with underfloor heating should generally have lower moisture content than normally specified.

This because the wood will dry out more – in ideal conditions max. 10 %. Laminated battens supplied with Junckers Sports Floors with a moisture content of 8-10 % are therefore particularly suitable.

Insulation up to the underside of the heat-distribution plates and heating pipes will reduce the heat loss.

1. UNOBAT 45 / 50 / 53 AND BLUBAT 52

The sports floor systems can be laid on concrete or screeded subfloors with cast-in heating pipes or cables. It is extremely important that the floor heating system is designed to achieve a stable temperature across the surface of the concrete or screed. The following applies to heating pipes in concrete or screeded floors:

To ensure an even temperature distribution on casting there must be min. 30 mm of concrete or screed above the heating pipes. The pipes should not be spaced more than 300 mm apart, and the cables not more than 150 mm apart.

The residual moisture contained in the concrete or screed should not exceed 90 % RH (UK: max. 75 % RH acc. to BS 8201).

Moisture barrier: All overlaps must be taped using 50 mm wide tape.

For detailed sports floor system information, see Specifier's- and Installation Instructions for each of the systems.


  1. Junckers 2-strip solid hardwood floorboards for sport
  2. Junckers J-Nails (Machine nail),
    22x45 mm 
  3. Laminated battens
    Unobat 45, thickness 23 mm
    Unobat 50, thickness 28 mm
    Unobat 53, thickness 31 mm
    Blubat 52, thickness 30 mm
  4. Moisture barrier
    0.20 mm PE membrane
  5. Subfloor
    Concrete with embedded heating pipes or cables 

Fig. 1 


The Clip Sports Floor System can be laid on concrete or screeded subfloors with cast-in heating pipes or cables. It is extremely important that the floor heating system is designed to achieve a stable temperature across the surface of the concrete or screed. The following applies to heating pipes in concrete or screeded floors:

To ensure an even temperature distribution, on casting there must be min. 30 mm of concrete or screed above the heating pipes. The pipes should not be spaced more than 300 mm apart, and the cables not more than 150 mm apart. The residual moisture contained in the concrete or screed should not exceed 90% RH (UK: max. 75% RH acc. to BS 8201).

Moisture barrier: All overlaps must be taped using 50 mm wide tape. For detailed sports floor system information, see Specifier's- and Installation Instructions D 2.1, Clip floors.


  1. Junckers 2-strip solid hardwood floorboards for sport
  2.  Clips
  3. Intermediate layer
    10 mm Sports Foam
  4. Moisture barrier
    0.20 mm PE membrane
  5. Subfloor
    Concrete with embedded heating pipes or cables 

Fig. 2

3. UNOBAT 62+

Unobat 62+ with an underfloor heating system built in between battens.

The heating pipes are laid on a 50 mm hard plate of insulation. To ensure an even temperature distribution, the pipes should not be spaced more than 300 mm apart.

The residual moisture contained in the concrete or screed should not exceed 90 % RH (UK: max 75 % RH acc. to BS 8201).

Moisture barrier: All overlaps must be taped using 50 mm wide tape.

For detailed sports floor system information see Specifier's- and Installation Instructions D 8.1, Unobat 62+. 


  1. Junckers 2-strip solid hardwood floorboards for sport
  2. Junckers J-Nails (Machine nail),
    22x45 mm 
  3. Laminated battens,
    Thickness 25.5 mm
  4. Heating Pipes
  5. Insulation, 
    20-50 mm thickness
  6. Moisture barrier
    0,20 mm PE Membrane

Fig. 3

4. DUOBAT 120+

Duobat 120+ with an underfloor heating system built in between battens.

The heating pipes are laid on a 50 mm hard plate of insulation. To ensure an even temperature distribution, the pipes should not be spaced more than 300 mm apart.

The residual moisture contained in the concrete or screed should not exceed 90 % RH (UK: max 75 % RH acc. to BS 8201).

Moisture barrier: All overlaps must be taped using 50 mm wide tape.

For detailed sports floor system information see Specifier's- and Installation Instructions D 7.1, Duobat 120+.


  1. Junckers 2-strip solid hardwood floorboards for sport
  2. Junckers J-Nails (Machine nail),
    22x45 mm
  3. Laminated battens,
    Upper: 25.5 mm
    Lower: 39 mm
  4. Heating Pipes
  5. Insulation
    20-50 mm thickness
  6. Moisture barrier
    0,20 mm PE Membrane

Fig. 4

